
Friday, April 9, 2010


So today has been a hilarious day. I have been in the most ridiculous mood and its been fantastic. I drove my roommate to class and was talking to her about how hyper and borderline crazy I have been these past 2 day and how I couldn't figure out why! Just to give some examples...

I decided I was going to drive to Wofford and surprise my friends and then drive back all in one day... 10 hours in the car. After doing the math though I decided that was a really stupid idea. Dont worry Mom and Dad, I didn't follow through with that plan.
Then I went to my speech class and everything the teacher said I would spark up a conversation about it with him... it was hilarious.
Then I saw a bunch of people I knew on the concourse (all at different times) and for each one I was way too excited to see them. It was slightly embarrassing looking back.
THEN, one of my great friends has 3 test tomorrow so I decided to get a gallon of bluebell ice cream and make some cookies to distract her from studying and hang out with me... my plan worked brilliantly.
And lastly, I had a very long conversation with my ballin' friend "Terell Owens" in which many inside jokes were formed.... especially a certain nickname....

So back to my talk with my roommate... I was trying to figure out why I have been so scatterbrained lately. I've boiled it down to 2 reasons:

1. This weather is insanely bipolar and so I feel the need to match my personality to it
2. My best friend Izzy is in Ireland and I haven't talked to her in 10 days!! She is the other half of me that keeps me
sane and I think this is the real cause for my randomness.

I will say though, that these past two days have been so much fun and I absolutely love it here on The Plains. So thanks roommate for helping me come to this realization and Iz, hurry up and get back. And lastly, "Terell Ownes" I hope your dreams are exactly what we talked about.


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