
Friday, April 30, 2010

the end goal.

i wish i could take picture of what i see. it has been absolutely gorgeous on campus lately. i love it. so many people look totally overjoyed that summer is here yet unbelievably stressed because exams are about to dominate them. at least thats how i am. i really dont have much motivation to study because i am so excited about my summer! a friend sent me this verse the other day for other reasons, but it really applies to my attitude towards school and just life in general right now haha..

"therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross...."
-Hebrews 12:1-2

i was talking with my best friend yesterday about how much filth we both feel like surrounds us. it is truly exhausting sometimes to try and live in a Christ-like manner. we both talked about how so many people, including ourselves, rely completely on themselves to supply happiness and fulfillment. why do we do that? haha... so many times i will find my self getting really discouraged because there are so few people really living by what God has called us to. its really hard to swim against the current sometimes.

thats why this was so encouraging. it reminded me that Christ swam against the current. there is nothing that Christ will give me that i, or any believer, cant handle. Christ calls me to lay aside EVERY hindrance... every sin, insecurity, excuse, everything and set my eyes on him and the cross. he tells me to cling to him and he will give me the endurance to not just get through, but to run. and what is even better is he doesn't just tell me to run to get through my day, but he gives me a reason to run. he gives me a reason to do what he has called me to, he has given me a reason and an end goal. i run for "the joy that is set before me" and i go against the crowd so that more people can know that joy.

when i live my life according to that verse, i will be satisfied. piper has said a million and one times that "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him" and im finding that to be more and more true. i can run and not grow weary because i am so joyful to be in step with Christ and his call for my life!

i feel like THIS song is so fitting for this blog. until next time....


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