lately i have just been blown away by the Lord and how much He loves me. the weather here on The Plains has been absolutely beautiful. so yesterday me and one of my great friends went out to the state park here and took pictures, hung out, and spent some sweet time talking about the Lord and what He has been doing in our lives. (i HATE that pictures are separate from my blog! but go to the pictures tab and you can see some pictures from our adventure!!) while we were there, we were talking about how blessed we are to know God the way we do and how we both honestly just want to know more of Him...
if someone were to ask me about my testimony, it would be so different now than it was just one year ago. this time last year i was at Wofford, playing tennis, and had every intention of returning there for the next 4 years. but go even further back, if you had asked me to share my testimony the day i graduated, it would be a totally and completely different story than it is now. thank God for His grace and mercy. thank the Lord that He does not listen to what we think is best for our selves!
i think back over the course of my college career and am amazed at the love from the Father that i get to see. i went to Wofford, in a relationship, out of the relationship, played tennis, did a sorority, in 3 days decided i was going to leave Wofford, went to project, made new friends, had my first job, went to Southern Union, in a relationship, transferred to Auburn, out of the relationship, in a new sorority (Chapter), and am now about to go to a whole new project...
when i was at Southern Union, i cried almost everyday because i could not figure out what the heck God was trying to teach me or show me. i KNEW my way would have worked out alot better if He had just listened to me! HA! i asked why about everything. why did i have to leave Wofford? why did i have to come to the 1 school that i said i would never come to? why did God make project so hard for me? why am i not happy? why are you doing this to me God? why?
and over the past semester here at Auburn, God has shown me why. it was simply so that i could know my Father in a deeper way.
that is how much God demands glory.
a couple of weeks ago i was at a retreat for this summer and as i was talking to my future d-group leader (yay!!!!!) i made the comment, "its amazing that it took that much for me to see my pride and for God to break me" to which my leader said, "yea, you could look at it like that. or you could see it as how amazing it is that God loves me enough to relentlessly pursue me like that. that at no cost what-so-ever, he demanded my love"
praise the Lord for his unconditional love. now walking around campus and just while spending time with my friends here, i want that for them. i want people to know this love that i've gotten a taste of. i want people to surrender and fall in love with this God that will not, at any cost, give up on the pursuit of their soul.
"Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father;
There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not;
As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be.
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see.
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided;
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!
Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth
Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide;
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside"
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