
Monday, September 23, 2013

those friday night lights.

this past Friday was big in the Moorer household. really, it was big in the whole town. but all for very different reasons. and all very needed.

the school Jake coaches at had never beaten this school before. everyone was saying that our team, no matter how great their season was going, just played worse against this team. that it would be a miracle if we won. 

so i decked out in our school colors, and insecurely headed to the most overwhelming part of my week. finding where to sit. 

let me tell you, there are few things more intimidating in life than walking up to a football stadium full of complete strangers and trying to decide where to sit! LITERALLY TERRIFYING. 

thankfully, the other coaches wives saw me and waved me down, so that crisis was averted. 

the game began. everyone hopeful, but not expectant. 

i guess when you don't know people to talk to the whole time, you are much more attentive to details... at least that's how it seems to be for me. 

so i sat there, watching the game, watching the cheerleaders (duh), watching the student section, the funny kids in front of me... and watching the coaches wives. 

then the game got interesting. it was one of those games that i think every high school boy dreams of playing in. you know, the underdog with the whole town there, edge of your seat, back and forth kind of game. we would score, then they would score... 

by the 4th quarter, everyone was on their feet. and i mean, everyone. 

and as the clock was ticking down, i looked around and had a very surreal moment. 

i saw the head coaches wife standing there wanting to win this game so badly it was like there was no other purpose to life. another coaches wife was screaming so loud i SWEAR you could have heard her on the other side of town. the coaches wife next to me literally prayed the entire 4th quarter, hardly watching because she was so nervous. all of them wanting this win, seemingly as much as - if not more - than their husbands.

when the clock hit one minute and it was clear we were going to win, the whole stadium, lead by the head coaches wife, ran to the fence, waiting to storm the field.... and then it happened. 

we won.

and this was what happened....

[notice the far left... that's what it is about.]

Jake later found me, and i saw the same look on his face that I did our senior year of high school when we beat Vestavia in the pouring down rain. it was the look of fulfillment.

after all the coaches hard work and planning, the teams practices and film... they did it. they beat their rivals.

on the way home that night I couldn't stop smiling because what i had been praying for since we got here finally happened. 

i understood it all. 

that night, under those Friday night lights, i saw what [one of] my roles as Jake's wife is. and i saw an incredible example of how to carry it out. and beyond that, i saw why. i saw in Jake's eyes the joy that coaching brings him. i saw the fulfillment that he gets by seeing not only his hard work, but the whole teams hard work pay off. 

this past Friday, i feel in love with Jake's vision. 

i thought that i was already100% on board, but apparently i wasn't because i got MORE on board 3 nights ago.

i am so excited to start this unique journey that few people get to take part in... i am so excited to be a coaches wife. 


Sunday, September 8, 2013

on being a wife.

over the past month, i've been confronted with many questions about myself that needed to be answered. questions of character. and those are the hard ones! i was faced with things about myself that i didn't want to think we're really there... emotions that i didn't want to admit that i had and thoughts that i didn't want to have.

so i did what any good christian does and i pretended that they weren't there.

fortunately, God doesn't allow that to go on for too long and i was confronted with my sins...

being here has been hard. it hasn't been fun... it's not what i wanted, at all, and so without my knowing it, Satan had slowly creeped in.

without realizing it, i started to harbor resentment towards Jake because after all, HE is the one that brought us here- far away from any kind of job that i would want, from our families, from our friends, and from all the things that i wanted to be doing. i began resenting him and thinking - how selfish is he?! how is he to tell me where i can work? why would he drag me here when CLEARLY it's not a place i would chose to be.... blah blah blah...

and don't get me wrong, the whole time we've been here, i've been working HARD on making it home. i knew coming here that it was going to be hard, and i thought i came prepared. ready to initiate time with strangers, ready to put myself out there, ready to cook and clean, ready to do all of those things. so yes, i had prepared my self for the circumstances, but i had not equipped myself for the heart of the move.

i hadn't prepared myself to fight off Satans lies. i hadn't prepared myself to preach truth to my sub-conscience....

i remembered when i first transferred to Auburn and hated it because it wasn't where i wanted to be (sound familiar? ha..) and my sister told me, "there is nothing that God is doing in your life NOW that isn't preparing you for something in your life LATER" and, here i am. same story, different city.

i've had to really go back to the basics. and don't get me wrong, honestly it's still not better or really even that  much easier, but i am more equipped to fight these lies...

as i was thinking through things last night and this morning 3 things came to mind.

i am certain, i am confident, and i am called.

i am certain of not only Jake's decision in bringing our little family here, but i am certain of Gods will over our lives and over our marriage. i am certain that we are here for a specific purpose that the Lord is still in the process of carrying out. i am certain of Jake's love and provision for me. i am certain of all the prayers, thoughts, and conversations that lead us here. and i am certain that this is exactly where God has us for now.

i am confident in Jake's walk with the Lord and thus unbelievably confident in his ability to lead me. i am 100% confident in the Lords sovereignty over my life and over Jake's. i am confident that God will provide friends, community, a job that i love, and a heart of humility. i am confident that we are in the noonday sun!

and lastly, i have been called. i have been called by my Father to pick up my cross daily and surrender to Him. i have been called to unconditionally and sacrificially love and serve Jake. i have been called to follow- to die to myself and follow my husbands leadership. i have been called to seek the Lord with all that is in me. i have been called to the greatest calling- to walk faithfully with my Heavenly Father, trusting his every plan.

i see now, my sin. and i am thus reminded of Gods great love for me. that WHILE i am a sinner, Christ died for me. i can see Jake's love for me in the patience he shows, the grace he extends to me, and the time to process my thoughts that he gives me. i am reminded, yet again of Joy in the trials.

to close, there was a quote today at sunday school that I think directly applies to this all...

"marriage is a call to die to self... Christian marriage vows are the inception of a lifelong practice of death, of giving over not all you have, but all you are. Is this a grim gallows call? Not at all!! It is no more grim than dying to self and following Christ. In fact, those who lovingly die for their spouses are those who know the most joy, have the most fulfilling marriages, and experience the most love!"
- R. Kent Hugh's


Monday, September 2, 2013

social media kingdom builders.

a friend and i are in the beginning stages of starting a fashion blog and i am SO pumped about it!!! (more on that to come later) so in preparing for it, we have been going all over the internet looking/reading other blogs to see the good, the bad, and the ugly. so as i was rummaging through blogs tonight, i came across this very interesting blog... 
i think it is a rare thing to find a blog by a man and he not be... well.... a little feminine. sorry if that offends anyone, but there are just very few guys out there that blog. so when i came across this one i just lightly scanned across it because i just assumed that he must be gay if he was a blogger. again, i know that is being presumptuous, but whatever. as i was skimming a subtitle caught my attention: 
  " Kingdom Builders-Christians and Instagram"
as i started reading, i realized that not only was he straight, but he was also a christian. and a christian that likes to slightly make fun of the "super christians" out there... something i also tend to do. and this little excerpt was far too true and i couldn't pass up sharing it. because i swear that i have about 50 of these "kingdom-builders" on my instagram feed currently, and i'd be lying if i said i didn't sometimes fall under this category too.
"This is something that is hard for me to write because I am myself a Christian, so I don’t want to come off too harsh. But what I’ve seen on Instagram that’s the most aggravating are the “Instafamous” Christian users. They seriously have to be the most pretentious of them all. They all call themselves “Kingdom Builders.” Which, I think, is just really silly to begin with. It just sounds like they all belong to some science fiction club. I understand what the term means, but I don’t think it’s really necessary.
All Christians who use Instagram use it the same way for every picture they post. It’s either a picture of a person they know that is “awesome and doing big things for the kingdom.” Or, it’s a picture of a sky, mountain, or body of water with some deep bible verse. It’s the same thing every time. But what I don’t get is why they have to call themselves “Kingdom Builders.” I know a few of these “Kingdom Builders” in real life and they have to be the most narcissistic, arrogant people I have met in my life.
If they’re doing anything, it’s bringing the Kingdom down and giving it a bad name. To be a “Kingdom Builder,” I thought that had to be someone who went out and witnessed to those that didn’t believe or to not being judgmental to those that sin. Instead, I see these “Kingdom Builders” hanging out together in their special little clique of other “Kingdom Builder” friends, doing nothing to further grow the kingdom of God with the nonbelievers because they think they’re too good for that. They probably think posting somewhat decent looking photos with some bible verse is all they need to do and they will be good. Technically, yes, that is sharing with others their faith. But when they do nothing else, especially in real life, I would say it wasn’t in God’s vision to see his word carried out on a cell phone to the same 200 people living in the same city, doing nothing to fulfill his word. But keep trying! I’m sure you’ll get there some day."

i think we all need to be reminded that the Lord probably wants more than just our social media pages to declare that we love and walk with him. i thought this was such an accountability check... "But when they do nothing else, especially in real life, I would say it wasn’t in God’s vision to see his word carried out on a cell phone to the same 200 people living in the same city, doing nothing to fulfill his word..." 

im not saying that posting bible verse or challenging quotes is wrong, but if we aren't living in a way that demonstrates what we are projecting to the world, then aren't we only reinforcing the misconceived ideas that many non-belivers already have about christians?
